We offer the full range of online and offline qualitative and quantitative market research instruments and methods. These can be applied individually or as a combined method-mix. You can choose the resources you need, or we will gladly help you choose the best methods and suppliers for your needs, including
- Online and offline data collection in most of EMEA, the Americas, Australia, and Africa
- Handpicked associates with long-term partnerships
- B2C or B2B
- Recruitment face-to-face, telephone, web recruits
- Online and offline moderation
- Face-to-face interviews/ in-home/ in-office/ in-hall/mall interviews, P+P, CAPI
- Telephone interviews, CAWI/CATI interviews, online self-completion with recruit to web
- Mystery Shopping - POS interviews
- Web-based/ online research
- Online and offline Focus Groups, Creative Workshops
- Online Communities, Bulletin Boards
- Online and offline in-depths interviews
- Ethnographic studies